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487 Jordanians benefit from MTCP, Malaysian Ambassador says

Jordan Daily – Mohamad Nasri Abdul Rahman, the Malaysian Ambassador to Jordan, said that a total of 487 Jordanian participants have benefited from the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP) since its inception in 1980.

The envoy further added today at the MTCP Networking Dinner hosted by the Malaysian Embassy in Amman,“in 2022, 59 Jordanians participated in vast areas of development training such as TVET, maritime management, public administration, cyber-security, rural advancement, petroleum technology, and Islamic finance”.

He stated that Jordan is among the recipient countries benefiting from the MTCP. Delightfully, the participants have observed how the programs have effectively provided the them with the essential knowledge and skills needed for their respective jobs. Additionally, these initiatives have played a significant role in assisting the participants in achieving both their personal and professional aspirations.

“Based on the positive and outstanding feedbacks received from the Jordanian participants, it is my sincere hope that more Jordanian participants could come forward to join MTCP’s future programmes. A tailored programme could also be arranged to meet the specific needs and requirements for Jordan’s development.” the ambassador added.

The MTCP, which is Malaysia’s commitment under the South-South Cooperation, emphasizes the development of human resources through the provision of training in various priority areas essential for a country’s development.

This include but not limited to Professional Services, Management and Public Administration, Economic and Trade, Science, Technology and ICT Management , Industrial /Technical Training, Finance, Diplomacy, Health Services, Humanitarian, Academic/Education and Social Development. The MTCP offers and shares technical cooperation programmes to more than 34,000 participants from 144 developing countries.

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