JordanMain News

Ambassador Chatzisavas praises Jordanian- European successful relationship

Jordan Daily – The representative of the European Union in Jordan, Pierre-Christophe Chatzisavas praised the high level of cooperation, shared interests and mutual relationship between the EU and Jordan.

Speaking to a joint session of three Jordanian Rotary clubs Wednesday at the Hyatt Hotel in Amman, Chatzisavas outlined the results of the recent high-level meeting in Brussels that included Jordan’s deputy Prime Minister and foreign Minister Ayman Safadi and his counterparts HR/VP Josep Borrell.

Chatzisavas said that the two sides have laid the groundwork for long term cooperation and the two sides have laid the groundwork for long term cooperation and agreed to elevate their relationship to the level of a strategic and comprehensive partnership. This new partnership will be finalized and adopted within months.

The European Union and Jordan will continue working together to foster stability, peace and security in the Middle East, he said. “The EU shares concern for the disastrous humanitarian situation in Gaza and commended Jordan’s leading role in hosting large numbers of refugees, notably from Syria, and confirmed its commitment to continue supporting both refugee and host communities in the Hashemite Kingdom.

He said that the EU will continue to support Palestinian refugees through UNRWA, but noted that it can’t do that without others. “We can’t replace the important support that the United States was providing and we urge Arab countries to pitch in to help.”

The EU official noted that the new aid strategy coming out of Brussels favors a mix of direct grants and low interest investments. Chatzisavas noted the unhealthy trade imbalance and noted that the EU wants to help raise imports from Jordan. “At present Europe exports over four billion Euros worth of products while importing less than 500 million from Jordan that comes out to only 12.5% of what Jordan imports from Europe. We would like to see that doubled in the coming years,” he said, including in fields of ICT, tourism, textile and in raw material.  He said Europe, which has a free trade agreement with Jordan has eased issues of compliance in order to allow more “Made in Jordan” products exported to Europe.

Rotarians exchanged a robust question and answer session with the EU ambassador who was commended by participants with his honesty and openness. He was awarded flags and letters of acclamation from the hosting clubs, the Cosmopolitan Rotary Club, Rotary Club of Amman Ammon, Rotary Club of Amman and Rotary Club of Amman Eco.

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