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Arab-Islamic committee , Russia collaborate on Gaza ceasefire

By : JD

Jordan Daily – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov engaged with the Joint Arab-Islamic Ministerial Committee on Tuesday to address the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza and efforts towards a ceasefire. Lavrov praised the Committee’s commitment to achieving a lasting resolution in the embattled region.

He emphasized Russia’s endorsement of an immediate ceasefire, aligning with UN and Security Council resolutions, as well as decisions made during the peace summit in Cairo and the extraordinary joint Arab-Islamic Summit in Riyadh.

Lavrov strongly criticized Israel’s actions, describing them as “collective punishment” against Palestinians in besieged Gaza. He accused Israel of blatant violations of international humanitarian law.

The Russian Foreign Minister called for increased humanitarian aid to Gaza to prevent an unprecedented catastrophe.

Furthermore, Lavrov expressed Russia’s support for creating conditions conducive to peace efforts between Palestinians and Israelis, based on the two-state solution.

The Ministerial Committee underscored the significance of prompt and effective action by Security Council members and the international community to achieve an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. They emphasized that a truce is a priority for all Arab and Islamic nations.

Members of the Ministerial Committee comprised foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Palestine and the secretary of the organisation of Islamic cooperation.

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