Jordan Daily – Bahrain is qualifying developers for its first metro project, Asharq Alawsat reported, citing Bahraini Minister of Transport and Communications, Kamal Ahmed.
The first phase of Bahrain Metro project, which consists of several phases, will be approximately 29 kilometers and includes 20 stations, he added.
He explained that the project will attract international investors and will include two tracks, where the private sector will fully implement and operate it for a period of up to 35 years, provided that the ministry will monitor the operation.
“Through the qualification process, we will attract a lot of investments from investors who have implemented similar projects in other countries, but the process of financing our project will be different from other projects, the private sector will be the one to implement it,” he said.
Future plans for the metro project include a station that will be near the common station of the future train linking Saudi Arabia with Bahrain.