LifeMain News

Blood donation campaign at Al-Kindi Hospital

Jordan Daily – The Social Committee at Al-Kindi Hospital, in collaboration with the National Blood Bank Directorate at the Ministry of Health, organized a one-day blood donation campaign on Monday in front of the Emergency Department on the hospital’s premises under the slogan “A drop from you… a life for others.”

The campaign, which saw wide participation from staff, visitors, and the local community, aimed to promote the values of solidarity and social responsibility, encourage volunteerism, and highlight the role of blood donation in saving lives. It also sought to raise awareness of the health benefits of donating blood for donors.

Al-Kindi Hospital’s administration commended the Ministry of Health, represented by the National Blood Bank Directorate, for its role in providing safe blood to citizens and residents after conducting all necessary medical and laboratory tests.

The hospital also praised the ongoing blood donation campaigns across various sectors, which help foster a culture of giving and support the National Blood Bank with needed units, ensuring an adequate blood supply for patients and hospitals.

It is worth mentioning that Al-Kindi Hospital is a specialized facility that serves patients from 75 countries worldwide. The hospital offers a wide range of medical specialties, including bariatric surgery, plastic surgery, liposuction, vascular surgery, fertility treatments, kidney stone removal, interventional radiology, cancer screening (particularly breast cancer), organ transplantation, cardiac catheterization, open-heart surgery, and gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Additionally, the hospital features 12 specialized operating rooms for major surgeries, a comprehensive dental emergency department, and an advanced emergency unit equipped with the latest medical devices and modern ambulances.

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