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China criticizes US draft resolution on Palestine – Israel crisis, urges immediate ceasefire

By: JD News Desk

Jordan Daily -China slammed a U.S.-sponsored draft resolution on the Israel-Palestine crisis at the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, saying it ignored the long-standing occupation of Palestinian territory and the fundamental issue of Palestinian statehood.

The draft resolution, which was also opposed by Russia, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, failed to be adopted due to a lack of consensus among the 15-member council.

China’s Ambassador to the U.N., Zhang Jun, said the draft resolution tried to establish a new narrative on the Palestinian question that departed from the spirit of previous U.N. resolutions and embedded the dangerous logic of clash of civilizations and the justification of war and use of force.

He said if adopted, it would have dashed the prospect of a two-state solution and plunged the Palestinian and Israeli peoples into a vicious cycle of hatred and confrontation.

Zhang said China had no selfish interests on the question of Palestine and supported any initiative that contributed to peace and reconciliation between the two sides.

He said China had actively advocated that the council should take meaningful actions and make binding decisions as soon as possible, based on facts, history, morality and conscience.

He urged the council to play a constructive role in ending the hostility, protecting civilians, averting further humanitarian catastrophes and realizing a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine.

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