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Citizen-centric solutions for Jordan’s economic challenges

By : Dr. Haytham Ereifej 

Jordan Daily – Today, Jordan faces an economic situation more challenging than ever, marked by stagnation and a loss of trust between the citizen and the government, including skepticism towards the proposed economic modernization vision.

This scenario fosters frustration and acts as a barrier to creativity and progress, presenting a significant challenge to the success of any proposed program or vision. Restoring trust is the key to making the citizen a true and active partner, contributing all they can to overcome the current situation. From this perspective, I propose a set of actions I deem necessary to restore shaken confidence and find solutions to the economic issues that are pushing us to the brink.

First : Openness, honesty, and transparency to clarify the causes of debt and the real obstacles facing the Jordanian economy. It’s essential to explain the pricing formula for petroleum derivatives and the revenue from taxes imposed on them, providing the citizen with the most detailed figures.

Second : Addressing tax imbalances by implementing a progressive tax principle and avoiding increases on the poor and middle classes. Collect unpaid taxes, combat tax evasion, and impose penalties, including imprisonment, on evaders, ensuring justice without favoritism.

Third : Immediate investigation of all corruption cases, bringing those who have jeopardized the country’s economic security to justice, and recovering funds stolen through privatization and other means. Investigate the privatization process transparently and punish anyone who exploited it for personal gain. Strengthen penalties related to economic crimes, corruption, and misuse of public office.

Fourth: Streamlining government departments, ministries, and agencies, limiting appointments to necessary and qualified personnel. Ensure absolute transparency in appointments, salaries, and bonuses. Promote equality, equal opportunities, and fair competition in public sector and high-level government positions.

Fifth : Supporting the private sector as the main employer and a crucial supporter of the national economy. Encourage investment by creating a healthy environment with practical laws that support foreign investment while protecting the private sector’s rights. Foster local investment, grant exemptions and facilities, and hold accountable anyone who intentionally or negligently hinders investment, thus helping rebuild the middle class.

Sixth : Increasing and activating partnerships between the public and private sectors to build major projects that provide services, boost the economy, and create additional job opportunities.

Seventh: Promoting historical, religious, and natural tourism in Jordan by developing and clearly outlining a promotional plan. Invest in Jordan’s tourist sites, train locals, and launch tourism investment projects to provide job opportunities and reduce unemployment.

Eighth : Supporting freedoms and launching a free and honest press, reinforcing its oversight role over state agencies.

Ninth : Supporting scientific research and innovation, developing positive academic specializations with a clear ten-year plan tailored to local market needs. Modify curricula to enhance pluralism, tolerance, and acceptance of differences.

Tenth : Developing local communities by encouraging small projects, fostering self-sufficiency, and utilizing local resources.

Jordan thrives on the immense potential of its people, who are the only solution to our challenges. We must find the right formulas to harness this potential by building trust rather than continuing to rely on conditional aid, which is no longer viable. This is our destiny, as it is for all nations striving for independent decision-making, especially in light of the ongoing aggression against our people in Gaza, threats against Lebanon, and the risk of forced displacement, posing an existential threat to Jordan.

 Dr. Haytham Ereifej is a lawyer ,activist and the founder of Ereifej & Partners International Law Firm.

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