JordanMain News

Emergency alert messages cause concern among Jordanians, officials confirm it was a test

Jordan Daily – A large number of Jordanians received text messages today on their mobile phones warning of a “severe emergency,” sparking concern and confusion among the public.

In a subsequent clarification, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, Engineer Bassam Al-Sarhan, confirmed that these messages were part of a test run being conducted by a company within a specific geographic area.

Al-Sarhan explained that the purpose of the test was to trial a new system for broadcasting alert messages within a targeted region, with the intention of implementing it more broadly in the future.

Reassuring the public, Al-Sarhan emphasized that there is no need for concern and that no actual emergency had occurred.

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship also issued a statement, confirming that the messages were part of a test of an early warning system being conducted by a company.

The ministry clarified that the messages were supposed to be sent to a limited group, but due to a technical error, they were sent to a larger number of citizens. The message was not from any governmental or official entity and was not related to any real events.

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