JordanMain News

EU-funded project facilitates Moroccan-Jordanian collaboration on water management

Jordan Daily – A group of Moroccan water experts recently completed a study tour in Jordan, aimed at improving Water Demand Management (WDM) in Morocco. The tour, which took place from June 4-6, was part of the 2024 workplan of the EU-funded “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Neighbourhood South Region” project.

The delegation included representatives from Morocco’s Directorate of Water Research and Planning, the Permanent Control Service, the Hydraulic Basins Agencies of Bouregreg and Chaouia, and the Regional Directorate of Equipment, Transport, Logistics, and Water.

During their visit, the Moroccan experts toured the Aqaba Water Company (AWC), the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Aqaba and Al Samra, and the Jordan Chamber of Industry. They also attended presentations by Jordanian experts on WDM and water conservation (WC) programs.

The tour provided the Moroccan team with insights into Jordan’s approach to WC and WDM, including the use of IT-supported non-revenue water management and the reuse of treated wastewater. They also learned about the institutional, financial, and regulatory measures Jordan has adopted to promote WDM/WC, including the reuse of treated wastewater from energy-efficient plants and the recycling of industrial water.

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