JordanMain News

EU funds youth empowerment project in Jordan with local partners

By : JD

Jordan Daily – The European Union (EU) has funded a project to foster youth’s role in community development in Jordan, partnering with the Hashemite University and the King Hussein Foundation.

In a statement sent to Jordan Daily , the project, which will run for 30 months, aims to enhance the leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation and civic engagement skills of students at the Hashemite University, and to support them in implementing community-responsive initiatives in the Zarqa and Mafraq governorates.

The partnership agreement was signed on Wednesday by the university president, Professor Fawwaz Al-Abed Al-Haq, the executive director of the King Hussein Foundation, Hana Shahin, and the EU ambassador to Jordan, Pierre-Christophe Chatzisavas.

Professor Al-Abed Al-Haq said the project aligns with the university mission to provide students with the skills and opportunities they need to succeed and contribute to their communities.

Ms. Shahin said the project is a testament to the foundation’s sustainable development programs in poverty eradication, women and youth empowerment, microfinance, health, and arts.

Ambassador Chatzisavas said the EU is pleased to support youth initiatives that benefit the communities in Zarqa and Mafraq, and that the program will reach 10,000 beneficiaries indirectly, including women and persons with disabilities.

The project will involve five phases and 12 activities, and will be implemented by a specialized team from the university and the foundation.

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