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EU-Jordan Association Committee meeting highlights progress and challenges in bilateral relations

By : JD

Jordan Daily – The European Union and Jordan vowed on Tuesday to boost their cooperation on political, security, trade and humanitarian issues, as they held their 13th Association Committee meeting in Amman.

In a statement sent to Jordan Daily , the meeting, co-chaired by Rosamaria Gili, deputy head of the EU’s Middle East and North Africa department, and Marwan Al-Refai, secretary general of the ministry of  planning and international cooperation , reviewed the progress made under the EU-Jordan Association Agreement and Partnership Priorities for 2021-2027.

The EU and Jordan discussed several regional and global challenges, including the ongoing war in Gaza, where they called for an immediate ceasefire and the protection of civilians. They also reaffirmed their support for the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state.

The EU praised Jordan’s role in hosting millions of refugees, mainly from Syria, and pledged to continue its assistance to both refugees and host communities. The EU and Jordan also stressed their commitment to peace, security and a multilateral, rules-based order, and condemned all violations of international humanitarian law and human rights in conflict areas.

The meeting also reviewed the cooperation, challenges and upcoming projects in the three partnership priorities agreed in June 2022, which include political and human rights reforms, education and green economy.

The EU and Jordan agreed to deepen cooperation in the field of economic and private sector development: The upcoming EU-JO Investment Committee and Business Forum in Amman will allow to further cement such partnership. Finally, it helped identifying further potential cooperation to address common threats and challenges in the field of security.

This “fruitful” exchange will further pave the way for the next EU-Jordan Association Council which is due to take place in Brussels in the coming months at ministerial level,” the statement noted.

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