JordanMain News

Former minister praises Jordan’s diplomatic role in Gaza crisis

By : JD

Jordan Daily – Former deputy prime minister and foreign minister Marwan Muasher said on Sunday that Jordan   has played a key role in the international efforts to end the violence in Gaza, thanks to its diplomatic relations and special status.

In an interview with the state-owned Jordan TV , Muasher said King Abdullah had visited four European capitals and spoken with U.S. President Joe Biden since the conflict erupted between Israel and Hamas.

“His Majesty King Abdullah has led relentless Jordanian efforts since the beginning of the crisis to stop the war on Gaza, and Jordan had assumed a role in the United Nations General Assembly resolution regarding the war on Gaza,” Muasher said.

He also praised Queen Rania’s interview, in which she voiced the sentiments of Jordanians and Arabs and called for unity among all parties to stop the aggression.

Muasher said the Arab response to the crisis is disappointing and that some Arab countries are not doing enough, giving Jordan more prominence in the current situation.

He said the UN General Assembly resolution, which condemned Israel’s attacks on Gaza and called for a ceasefire, showed that there is a global majority against Israel’s actions and its collective punishment of Palestinians.

“As the aggression continues, we will witness a shift in the Western world towards what is happening (in Gaza), as some Western countries biased with Israel voted in favor of the resolution,” Muasher said.

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