Germany contributes to winterization support for Palestine refugees from Syria

Jordan Daily – This winter, over 18,000 Palestinian refugees from Syria (PRS) in Jordan will receive essential winterization support from the Government of Germany.
A generous contribution of EUR 2 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) will enable the disbursal of winterization cash assistance to 4,699 PRS families, including 1,546 female-headed households and 8,217 Palestine refugee children. Beneficiary families will use this cash support for winter clothes, shelter accommodations, fuel, blankets and more, according to UNRWA statement .
This contribution will also co-finance unconditional cash assistance requirements for the last three months of this year , providing 6,515 PRS, including 1,888 women and 2,953 children with daily essential food and non-food items.
“We are thankful that UNRWA is addressing the needs of vulnerable Palestinians, especially in regard to the rising costs in winter. UNRWA’s work has a stabilizing effect on the ground and is absolutely essential. We are glad to support this important work through financial contributions to the Agency. Even in the times of the ongoing funding crisis, we remain a strong supporter of UNRWA and we will continue to support Palestine refugees in the future.“ said Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy in Amman, Dr. Florian Reindel.
“We highly appreciate Germany’s contribution to aid refugees either through winterization assistance or the cash assistance which refugees fully depend on to cover their most essential needs. This is a timely contribution, particularly when UNRWA is struggling to allocate resources to cover essential interventions to support the refugees amid its severe financial crisis,” said the Director of UNRWA Affairs, Ms. Marta Lorenzo.
Germany is a reliable partner of UNRWA both politically and financially. The portfolio had grown from EUR 67 million in 2016 to EUR 182 million in 2020. In 2019, Germany became the largest donor to the Agency, contributing EUR 151 million. In 2020, Germany again increased its funding to the Agency to reach EUR 182 million. In 2021, the Government of Germany will be the Agency’s second largest donor , the statement noted.