LifeMain News

Italy delivers prosthetic components to Jordan’s Paola Biocca Center

Jordan Daily – A shipment comprising 320 kilograms of prosthetic components arrived at the “Paola Biocca Center” in Amman on Thursday, September 14, 2023. These materials, primarily of Italian origin, were transported to Jordan through the dedicated efforts of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, facilitated by the Italian Embassy in Amman.

In a press release sent the Jordan Daily,  the “Paola Biocca Center” has been operational in Amman since 2014. The center plays a crucial role in providing free medical assistance, particularly prostheses, to financially disadvantaged individuals in need. Notably, this assistance is offered on a non-discriminatory basis.

This initiative receives support from two Italian organizations, namely “Campagna Italiana Contro le Mine” and “YouAble,” and is administered by the Jordanian non-profit organization “Life Line for Consultancy and Rehabilitation.”

A ceremonial event was convened last Thursday to commemorate the successful delivery of the vital medical materials. Italian Ambassador Luciano Pezzotti expressed his pride in the center’s dedication to the memory of an Italian humanitarian worker. Ambassador Pezzotti remarked, “We are pleased that the prostheses we have delivered today will alleviate the suffering of individuals in need in Jordan.”

During the ceremony, the Italian Ambassador took the opportunity to tour the premises of the “Paola Biocca Center” and engage with some of the recipients of medical assistance at the facility.

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