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Japan donates cargo-handling and storage equipment to JHCO

Jordan Daily – In a ceremony held on Sunday , Mr. OKUYAMA Jiro, Ambassador of Japan to Jordan, presided over the handover of cargo-handling and storage equipment. The event, attended by Mr. Hussein Al-Shebli, Secretary-General of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO).

This philanthropic initiative traces its origins back to October 2022 when Japan extended a grant of $41,055 to JHCO under the “Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects” (GGP) scheme, as per the Japanese Embassy’s official statement.

The primary objective of this grant assistance is to bolster JHCO’s capacity in aid storage by providing essential cargo-handling and storage equipment. JHCO, a humanitarian foundation, plays a pivotal role in coordinating and managing humanitarian support from both national and international donors while also establishing logistical support for the transportation of aid supplies.

The acquisition of this equipment promises to significantly enhance the processing of approximately 23,000 relief items annually, primarily consisting of essential food supplies. These critical relief items are destined for roughly 95,000 underprivileged individuals and refugees residing in central and southern Jordan.

During his speech at the handover ceremony, Ambassador OKUYAMA expressed his heartfelt gratitude to JHCO for its pivotal contribution to society, stating, “In Jordan, the demand for relief goods such as food, medicine, and hygiene products has surged among underprivileged Jordanians and refugees, who have been profoundly affected by economic and social hardships. We hope this project will fortify your mission to deliver essential relief items to vulnerable grassroots communities.”

The Japanese Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects has a long-standing history of supporting Jordan. Since its inception in 1993, Japan has extended over $10 million for 157 projects to non-governmental organizations, schools, hospitals, and local governments in the country , according to the statement.

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