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JICA provides funding of $22 million for water improvement projects in Jordan

Jordan Daily –  Minister of Water and Irrigation, Raed Abu Saud, along with the Japanese Ambassador to Jordan, Okuyama Jiroon, officially inaugurated the second phase of urgent improvement program projects for water supply in the northern governorates.

The inauguration took place in the Hawara and As Sarih regions and marks a crucial milestone in addressing the water needs of communities hosting Syrian refugees.

These vital projects, valued at approximately $22 million, are fully funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). They aim to enhance the water supply infrastructure in the Irbid governorate. The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNPOS) is overseeing the projects, ensuring their effective implementation, according to a statement from the Water Ministry.

During the inauguration ceremony, Minister Abu Saud underscored the significance of these projects for the northern governorates, emphasizing their role in bolstering the capabilities of the Yarmouk Water Company, which serves four governorates and roughly 300,000 subscribers.

He went on to explain that the projects involve the rehabilitation of water networks in the Hawara and As Sarih regions, the restoration of household connections, and the establishment of new networks to serve previously underserved areas, thereby meeting the needs of communities hosting Syrian refugees.

Furthermore, the minister highlighted the anticipated benefits of these facilities’ operation, including an improvement in water supply across the beneficiary areas, a reduction in water loss rates, increased quantities of safe drinking water for citizens, and enhanced service quality.

The minister expressed the government’s sincere gratitude and appreciation for the continued support from the Japanese government and its people, delivered through JICA. This support is seen as instrumental in strengthening the capabilities of the Yarmouk Water Company and mitigating the challenges and consequences arising from the presence of refugees within host communities.

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