JordanMain News

Jordan and Netherlands explore bilateral military cooperation in high-level talks

Jordan Daily – Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Bisher Khasawneh, hosted the Netherlands Minister of Defense, Kajsa Ollongren, for discussions covering a range of issues and opportunities for cooperation.

During their meeting, Prime Minister Khasawneh emphasized the strong and enduring relationship between Jordan and the Netherlands, expressing a strong interest in bolstering ties across various domains, including bilateral and European Union relations.

He also highlighted the historical significance of the “Aqaba Meetings,” a collaborative initiative organized by the Netherlands and Jordan several years ago, aimed at coordinating international efforts in the fight against terrorism.

Khasawneh underscored the potential for expanded collaboration between the two countries , particularly in sectors such as commerce, tourism, and the economy. He noted a significant increase in the number of Dutch tourists visiting Jordan this year compared to the same period last year.

Furthermore, he addressed the pressing issue of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan. The country is currently home to approximately 1.3 million Syrian refugees, which has put immense strain on essential sectors, including education, healthcare, and the job market. He highlighted the challenges stemming from the decline in financial support from international sources for Jordan’s response plan to the Syrian crisis, which now covers only 16% of the necessary funding.

Minister Ollongren underscored the close relations between the Netherlands and Jordan, with an emphasis on the historical ties between their respective royal families, stressing the significance of strengthening cooperation in the defense sector, fostering exchanges of experiences, visits, and joint training between the armed forces of both countries.


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