
Jordan condemns ongoing Israeli escalation in occupied Palestinian territories

Jordan Daily – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs strongly criticized the continuous Israeli escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the recent assault on the city of Jenin earlier today.

Jordan expressed concern about the ongoing spiral of violence and urged the international community to take immediate action to halt the Israeli attacks on the occupied Palestinian lands.

Ambassador Sinan Al-Majali, the official spokesperson of the ministry, emphasized the urgent need to cease the ongoing incursions into Palestinian cities and ensure their safeguarding against repeated acts of aggression.

He underscored that the escalating situation represents a violation of international humanitarian law and Israel’s obligations as the occupying force , stressing the necessity of putting an immediate end to the campaigns targeting the Palestinian people and warned of the repercussions of this intensification, which will only lead to further deterioration and violence.

The ministry’s spokesperson reaffirmed Jordan’s rejection of these attacks and any unilateral measures that undermine efforts to achieve peace , calling on the international community to promptly and effectively intervene in order to halt this aggression and provide comprehensive protection for the Palestinian people in all occupied Palestinian territories.


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