JordanMain News

Jordan condemns Papua New Guinea’s embassy opening in Jerusalem

Jordan Daily – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned Papua New Guinea’s Embassy inauguration in Jerusalem.

Ambassador Sinan Majali, the ministry’s spokesperson, voiced strong disapproval of this move, emphasizing that it constitutes a clear violation of international law and numerous international resolutions.

In a statement obtained by Jordan Daily , he stated, “Opening an embassy in Jerusalem is an unacceptable and condemnable step, and is considered a blatant and grave violation of international law and international legitimacy resolutions.”

Furthermore, Majali made it clear that any actions or decisions aimed at altering the status of Jerusalem or its legal standing hold no validity under international law, emphasizing the importance of pursuing a just and comprehensive peace as the sole means of achieving a two-state solution based on international legitimacy resolutions

This approach, he stressed, is essential for realizing a fair and lasting resolution that encompasses an independent and sovereign Palestinian state along the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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