JordanMain News

Jordan cracks down on drug smugglers in Ruwaished area

By : JD

Jordan Daily – Jordan launched a major security crackdown on drug smugglers and dealers in the Ruwaished area on Wednesday , the Public Security Directorate said.

The operation aimed to root out outlaws who are involved in drug smuggling and trafficking within the Kingdom and have ties to regional gangs that operate across the border, posing a threat to the national security, the Directorate said in a statement.

The operation is part of the state’s ongoing efforts to protect the society and its safety, and to counter any attempts to undermine the security of Jordan and its borders and the well-being of its people, in coordination with the armed forces and other relevant authorities, the statement said.

The Directorate thanked the citizens for their support for the security forces in their war on drugs, and commended the role of the national and responsible media, urging everyone to get information about the operation from its official sources, which will publish the campaign’s results and updates as soon as possible.

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