JordanMain News

Jordan endorses national plan to advance women’s rights

Jordan Daily- Dr. Khalil Al-Abdallat, the Director of the Human Rights Unit at the Prime Ministry, announced that the Jordanian cabinet’s endorsement of the national plan to activate Security Council Resolution (1325) on women, peace, and security for the period of 2022-2025 aligns with the royal vision to bolster women’s involvement in political, economic, and social spheres.

Al-Abdallat made these remarks during a consultative meeting held on Sunday, which forms part of a series of consultations conducted by the government to prepare the national report within the framework of the fourth universal periodic review (UPR) mechanism for human rights.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the Jordanian National Commission for Women and various organizations supporting women’s rights in Jordan.

He highlighted that the government has introduced amendments to a range of legislations, aimed at addressing women’s issues and expanding their political participation through comprehensive political, economic, and administrative reforms.

Emphasizing the importance of national consultations, Al-Abdallat stated that Jordan adheres to this methodology in preparing reports, whether through contractual or non-contractual mechanisms, owing to its ratification of numerous international agreements.

In the past, Jordan has participated in three consecutive sessions where its human rights situation was reviewed. During the third review in 2018, a total of 226 recommendations were put forward. Among these recommendations, the Kingdom accepted and approved 149 of them. The approved recommendations primarily addressed issues related to women, including their protection and the promotion of their participation in public life.

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