JordanMain News

Jordan stresses shared responsibility in caring for refugees

Jordan Daily – Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya welcomed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi and his delegation on Tuesday to discuss the pressing issue of refugees.

Al-Faraya emphasized the shared responsibility of all nations in caring for refugees, given the profound humanitarian implications involved. He stressed the need to activate refugee resettlement programs in accordance with established plans.

During the meeting, Faraya expressed Jordan’s commitment to facilitating the voluntary repatriation of refugees to their home countries , noting that Jordan is grappling with an urgent demand for increased aid to sustain its humanitarian endeavors aimed at supporting refugees. The continuous influx of refugees has strained various sectors of the country’s economy.

The minister shed light on the repercussions of the refugee crisis, including a noticeable surge in unemployment rates among Jordanian citizens. The strain on resources has been particularly evident in sectors such as education, healthcare, energy, water, sanitation, environment, and municipal affairs. These challenges have also had indirect consequences on social and security aspects.

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