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Jordan takes steps to combat antibiotic misuse

Jordan Daily – In a bid to promote prudent antibiotic use, Jordan has implemented new guidelines governing the dispensing of antibiotics.

Experts emphasize the risks associated with antibiotic misuse, especially as obtaining these medications has become increasingly accessible. Citizens often seek antibiotics from pharmacies without proper assessment of whether the treatment is suitable for their conditions, regardless of whether the cause of the illness is viral or bacterial.

Jordan has been proactive in responding swiftly to various health challenges, and this latest move aims to address the growing concern of antibiotic resistance.

Dr. Nizar Mhaidat, Director General of the Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA), which has spearheaded efforts to enhance the responsible use of antibiotics. The JFDA has taken several significant steps, including restricting the sale of certain antibiotics without a prescription. Notably, this applies particularly to antibiotics that may be resistant to bacteria.

Furthermore, the JFDA has updated the availability of antibiotics in specific pharmacies, ensuring that they are dispensed according to tailored prescriptions and specific guidelines. Injectable antibiotics are now restricted to hospital use only. The prescription of antibiotics must be carried out by specialized physicians in the field of infectious diseases, Mhaidat pointed out.

Experts stress the importance of these measures in light of the global threat posed by increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics. By promoting judicious use, Jordan aims to safeguard the effectiveness of these crucial medications.

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