LifeMain News

Jordan launches new code to ensure inclusive education for people with disabilities

Jordan Daily – The Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Jordan is collaborating with the government to implement a comprehensive “code” that ensures the inclusion of necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities in all schools. Raafat al-Zitawi, the council’s spokesman said.

Al-Zitawi emphasized that this code, which has been recently launched in conjunction with the ministry of education and the ministry of  public works and housing will serve as a set of guidelines that every school must adhere to before its establishment.

The aim is to guarantee that all schools in Jordan are fully equipped and accessible for people with disabilities, providing facilities such as spacious classrooms and the necessary amenities like inclusive bathrooms.

Moreover, the council has identified 30 schools across all governorates to act as model examples of inclusive education for persons with disabilities. These selected schools will serve as a benchmark for ensuring that all educational institutions in the country follow suit in creating an inclusive and accommodating learning environment for everyone.

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