BusinessMain News

Jordanian produce safe for export, Association chief dismisses Israeli rumors

Jordan Daily – Suleiman Al-Hiyari, President of the Union Cooperative Society for Exporters and Importers of Vegetables and Fruits, strongly denied claims that Jordan is exporting agricultural products to Israel, emphasizing the association’s firm stance against such exports.

In a statement on Saturday, Al-Hiyari dismissed recent rumors circulated by Israeli sources regarding Jordanian exports of vegetables and fruits as baseless lies. He accused Israel of attempting to tarnish the reputation of Jordanian agricultural products in international markets by spreading false claims about cholera contamination.

Al-Hiyari reassured that Jordanian produce is irrigated with water from artesian wells in highland areas, not from the Yarmouk River, ensuring the safety and quality of the produce.

He affirmed that Jordanian agricultural products intended for export to other countries are 100% safe for human consumption.

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