JordanMain News

Jordanians extend condolences to Moroccan Embassy following earthquake tragedy

Jordan Daily – Jordanians from various public and official positions came together on Tuesday to extend their heartfelt condolences to the Moroccan embassy in Amman following a recent devastating earthquake in Morocco, as reported by Petra.

Leading the delegation was Yousef Shamali, the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply, and also the Minister of Labor, representing Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh. They visited the Moroccan embassy to convey the Jordanian government’s sympathies and express the Kingdom’s unwavering solidarity with the Moroccan people during this trying time.

In a display of unity and support, senators, members of parliament, government officials, and representatives of the Jordanian populace also paid their respects and offered condolences.

Adel Ousi Hamo, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Moroccan Embassy in Amman, expressed his profound gratitude for the outpouring of support from Jordanians at various echelons. He commended the enduring ties between the two countries , bolstered by the exceptional relations shared between Their Majesties King Abdullah II and King Mohammed VI.

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