LifeMain News

Jordan’s medical sector faces alarming doctor unemployment issue

Jordan Daily – Hazem Al-Qarrala, the head of the media committee at the Jordan Medical Association, has sounded the alarm on a pressing issue within Jordan’s medical sector.

Al-Qarala stated on Monday that 1,500 doctors are currently unable to secure job opportunities within the country, with potentially dire consequences for the field’s employment landscape that could overwhelm any governmental intervention.

In a televised interview , covered by Jordan Daily,  Al-Qaralla emphasized that the impending problem is further exacerbated by the fact that the number of doctors who can viably explore job prospects abroad falls significantly short of the 1,500 doctors.

Since its inception in the 1950s, the Jordan Medical Association has registered approximately 42,000 doctors . However, the count of active Jordanian doctors, both within the nation’s borders and overseas, stands at 27,900. This substantial difference underscores the growing divide between the medical workforce and the availability of suitable positions.

Al-Qaralla highlighted that the medical faculties both within and outside Jordan currently educate over 30,000 students. He cautioned, “In just five years’ time, we anticipate encountering a situation where the number of doctors registering with the  Association will surpass the count of active practitioners.”

Each year, the sector experiences an annual intake of approximately 2,500 to 3,000 newly graduated doctors, he added.

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