Jordan Daily – His Majesty King Abdullah II on Thursday received a letter from Prime Minister Jafar Hassan, responding to the Royal letter tasking him to form and chair a National Council for Future Technology, under the supervision of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II.
In the letter, the prime minister said the Council will endeavour to seize opportunities to build a strong and resilient economy that achieves prosperity, and to promote an environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship, through a strong partnership with the private sector and cooperation with similar international entities in this field.
According to the letter, the Council’s members will include the Minister of State for Economic Affairs, the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Minister of Investment, the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, the Chairman of the National Cyber Security Council, the Vice President of the Royal Scientific Society, and the Director of the Digital Transformation Unit at the Prime Ministry.
The Council will also include specialists and experts in this field from the private sector, namely: Amjad Abdallat, Adey Salamin, Amer Abulaila, and Basem Salfiti.