Main NewsOpinions

Many agreements… few results

By:Awni AlDawoud

Jordan Daily – As followers of economic affairs, we diligently monitor the numerous agreements and memorandums of cooperation signed between Jordan and brotherly and friendly countries. These agreements span various sectors including economic, cultural, artistic, media, and sports, among others. However, it is disheartening to observe that the number of agreements actually implemented falls short of the number of agreements signed.

Several reasons contribute to this negative situation:

Lack of seriousness: Some agreements seem to be merely ceremonial, ending with photo opportunities and lacking a commitment to follow through.

Failure to follow up: Many genuinely beneficial agreements are not effectively pursued by both parties involved, whether it be the governments, private sectors, or even individual companies.

Bureaucratic obstacles: Administrative hurdles often impede the progress and implementation of agreements, obstructing the necessary procedures or complicating the process unnecessarily.

Change of officials: Sometimes, the arrival of new officials results in the disregard of agreements signed by their predecessors, as if these agreements were personal achievements rather than commitments made by the country and its various sectors.

External factors: Regional or global political changes can have a significant impact on the implementation of agreements, either obstructing their progress or expediting their realization.

It is important to note that my intention is not to criticize any specific establishment, nor to highlight individual broken agreements. Instead, I aim to emphasize that these issues are pervasive across all sectors. Therefore, I propose a comprehensive review of all agreements concluded by Jordan at every level and in every sector. Such a review should seek to understand why the agreed-upon actions have not been implemented.

Many of these agreements hold great potential and, if implemented in a timely manner, could positively impact the national economy and generate job opportunities for the country’s youth. However, it is also crucial to reassess certain agreements that may have expired or are no longer relevant.

In summary, as we aspire to sign additional agreements with brotherly and friendly countries to enhance cooperation and attract investments across various sectors, it is imperative that we prioritize the review and implementation of previously signed agreements and memorandums of cooperation. We must identify the responsible parties who can facilitate the execution of these agreements and ensure tangible results that greatly benefit our economy, culture, academia, healthcare, arts, sports, and more.

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