JordanMain News

Minister urges citizens to elect candidates based on political programs

Jordan Daily – Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Haditha Khraisha emphasized the significance of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Jordan as a crucial stage in political decision-making, urging citizens to participate and elect their representatives for the next House of Representatives based on political programs.

During a meeting held in Zarqa on Saturday with the heads and members of Zarqa governorate municipalities and provincial council members, Al-Khraisha called for the election of candidates based on programmatic rather than interest-based or kinship criteria.

Al-Khraisha noted that the ministry has begun holding meetings, which will continue until election day, to encourage citizens to vote and select their candidates. He explained that the upcoming parliamentary elections would differ from previous ones, as the next House of Representatives will be distinct in its composition. For the first time in the parliament’s history, a minimum of 41 seats will be allocated to political parties, with this percentage increasing to 50% in the 21st parliament and to 65% in the subsequent parliament.

Regarding party lists, Al-Khraisha stated that parliamentary seats are not designated for individuals but for parties and political forces supported by the public and their programs. This arrangement has been agreed upon by various political, partisan forces.

Al-Khraisha also encouraged women and youth to secure their places in parliament by running for elections or participating in voting for candidates they believe represent their aspirations and can achieve their desired programs.

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