JordanMain News

Muasher: No military solution in Gaza, two-state solution not possible

By : JD

Jordan Daily –  Former Jordanian deputy prime minister Marwan al-Muasher said on Thursday that the idea of eliminating the Palestinian resistance in Gaza has failed, as the military capability of the resistance remained largely intact after 47 days of war.

Muasher told a radio station “that after 15,000 martyrs in Gaza, it is proven that there is no military solution.”

He said the two-state solution, which envisages a Palestinian state alongside Israel, needs three conditions that are not currently available:

First, a serious political will from the United States, which would define the final goal as ending the occupation.

Second, a new Israeli government that would be willing to make peace and accept ending the occupation.

Third, new Palestinian elections.

Muasher, who was the first Jordanian ambassador to Israel, said that if these conditions were not met, we could not talk about a two-state solution, noting that they are not on the table at this stage, and therefore the two-state solution is not possible.

He commented on the truce in Gaza , saying that it was needed, because the Gazans were really exhausted and aid had to be delivered to the strip , and on the other hand, the occupation government was under great pressure.

He stressed at the same time that the temporary truce is not a goal, but the current demand is to reach a permanent end to the war, which Israel and the United States do not want.

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