JordanMain News

Parliament speaker meet Head of Palestinian National Council

Jordan Daily – Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament Ahmad Safadi met on Tuesday with the Head of the Palestinian National Council Rawhi Fattouh.

During the meeting, Safadi stressed the importance of taking an Arab parliamentary position in support of the Palestinian people in light of the devastating war that the Israeli occupation is waging on the Gaza Strip.

Safadi and Fattouh stressed the importance and impact of the role played by His Majesty King Abdullah II in defending the rights of the Palestinian people and defending Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem.

They stressed the importance of His Majesty’s recent speech at the United Nations General Assembly, which delivered a clear message in forging ahead with the peace process through the two-state solution to guarantee Palestinians’ rights, most importantly the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Fattouh, for his part, called on the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union to hold an emergency session to discuss the escalation and the situation in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in light of the recent developments taking place in the Palestinian territories.

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