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Safadi , Norwegian counterpart discuss ties , Region

Jordan Daily – Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi and Norwegian counterpart Anniken Huitfeldt on Wednesday reaffirmed that bilateral cooperation in various economic, investment, tourism and defence fields will continue, as well as enhancing the partnership between the two kingdoms.

The meeting was held prior to the ministerial meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) for Coordination of International Aid to the Palestinian People, which was held on Wednesday in Oslo.

The two ministers discussed regional developments, particularly efforts to create a political horizon for a just and comprehensive peace, which a two-State solution, on the basis of international law, is the only way to achieve it, according to Safadi.

The two ministers highlighted efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis and the issue of Syrian refugees, as well as several regional issues of common concern.

Safadi lauded Norway’s efforts within the framework of the AHLC and its continued support for efforts to revive the peace process.

Safadi also thanked Huitfeldt for her country’s continued support for Jordan in its efforts to meet the needs of Syrian refugees.

Huitfeldt, in turn, stressed keenness to bolster cooperation with the Kingdom, and expressed appreciation for its great role in hosting refugees, and His Majesty King Abdullah’s efforts to achieve security and stability in the region.

On the sidelines of the visit, Safadi also met with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Norwegian Parliament, Ine Eriksen Soreide, and discussed bilateral relations and regional developments, stressing the importance of the Jordanian-Norwegian partnership and the need to expand and strengthen cooperation in various fields.

In a separate meeting with British Secretary of State for Middle East and North Africa James Cleverly, Safadi lauded the deep-rooted ties between Jordan and the United Kingdom.

The meeting also discussed the outcome of the recent royal visit to the United Kingdom and the latest regional developments, primarily the Palestinian issue.

In a dialogue session with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Safadi highlighted regional developments, ways to resolve crises, and Jordanian efforts to achieve security and stability in the region.

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