JordanMain News

Security forces crack down on drug trafficking in Ruwaished area

By : JD News Desk

Jordan Daily – Security forces arrested nine drug smugglers, including six classified as very dangerous and armed, in a series of raids on desert sites in the Ruwaished area near the northeastern border, a security spokesman said on Wednesday.

The spokesman said the raids, which began on Wednesday morning, followed months of intelligence work to identify the hiding places of the smugglers, who had been on the run since previous security campaigns in the area.

The smugglers opened fire on the security forces, who responded and arrested them without any casualties among the security personnel, the spokesman said. One of the smugglers was injured and taken to hospital.

The security forces seized large quantities of drugs, including 720,000 narcotic pills and 1,565 hashish palms, as well as 21 firearms, ammunition, communication devices and binoculars, the spokesman said.

He said the smugglers were linked to regional drug gangs and were involved in receiving, storing and re-smuggling drugs across the border or trafficking them inside the kingdom.

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