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SSIF’s 2022 Sustainability Report: achievements & commitments

Jordan Daily – Social Security Investment Fund (SSIF) issued the sixth sustainability report for the year 2022 that highlights the Fund’s key achievements in environmental, social and governance sustainability in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ESG principles.

In a statement,  SSIF CEO Dr. Ezzeddin Kanakrieh said that the voluntary report reflects SSIF commitment to invest responsibly and enhance investors and audience trust through promoting transparent practices of reporting the impact of SSIF activities and investments on the financial sustainability of the Social Security and the national economy, in addition to their environmental and social impact.

The report addresses the institutional governance and controlling system that rules SSIF business within the international best practices, SSIF investment policy, and the strategic directions. It also includes a detailed financial analysis of SSIF’s portfolio which is distributed among vital sectors of the Jordanian economy.

The report sheds light on developing the institutional capacity, risk management, business continuity, and digital transformation methods, women empowerment, and implementing initiatives that target saving water and energy consumption, paper recycling and social responsibility.

SSIF CEO said that the efforts to apply SDGs and ESG extend to the companies in which SSIF invests. Through the representatives on the boards, SSIF encourages the companies to adopt plans to achieve financial sustainability, manage resources efficiently, and implement sustainable environmental, social, and women empowerment initiatives.

The report also highlights the accomplishments to rectify SSIF’s headquarter and website to be accessible for persons with disabilities.

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