Jordan Daily – Despite the halt in the arrival of new Syrian refugees to Jordan and the minimal return of a few to Syria, the number of Syrians and other residents in Jordan continues to rise. This increase is driven by high birth rates and high marriage rates among these populations.
According to the 2023 Family Health and Population Survey, the fertility rate for Syrian women aged 40-49 is 4.5 children, significantly higher than the 3.7 children for Jordanian women. This indicates a continued annual increase in their numbers across all governorates since their initial arrival in Jordan.
Annual reports from the Iftaa Department show a declining trend in the number of marriages involving females under 18 years old, according to the bride’s nationality. This decline is attributed to efforts implementing the National Action Plan to limit marriages under 18 in Jordan. However, the rate remains significantly higher among Syrian refugees, standing at 38%, compared to 10% among Jordanians, according to the latest statistics.