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UNHCR welcomes new funding from Japan to support refugees in Jordan  

Jordan Daily – The Government of Japan has renewed its commitment to support UNHCR Jordan with USD 4,925,925. This contribution will allow to UNHCR to further support the Government of Jordan and assist refugees in Jordan who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a statement , amid the COVID-19 pandemic gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV) have increased as well as risks faced by children such as school drop-out and child labor. These compounded challenges are reversing the progress achieved before the pandemic. In 2021, UNHCR has been able to offer refugees both in person and remote services to facilitate access to key services and will continue to do so over the coming year.

As such, the generous contribution from the Japanese government will enable UNHCR to provide protection services for refugees including the most vulnerable groups such as children and gender-based violence survivors, shelter interventions and to enhance community-based protection to assist vulnerable refugees in Jordan , the statement noted .

“Increased vulnerability among refugee populations in Jordan necessitates a strong response. We welcome the support from the Japanese government, as we strive to offset the inequalities provoked by the pandemic” said UNHCR’s Representative in Jordan, Dominik Bartsch.

In addition, funding from Japan will support UNHCR to strengthen its community-based approach to protection. Through a network of community centres located throughout the Kingdom, UNHCR seeks to actively engaging refugees in decisions impacting their lives and strengthening links with Jordanian host communities. In the current context of COVID-19 the community centres’ activities are key to provide refugees with information needed to reach various services which include health, protection, non-food item distributions and livelihood opportunities.

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